Open Show - 23rd February 2014

Judge: - Mrs Hazel Fitzgibbon (Smiliesam)


Best Dog & Best in Show: Shadowguard High Octane at Islekeeper
Best Bitch & Reserve Best in Show: Eternalpride Rose Quartz
Reserve Best Dog & Best Veteran In Show: Ch. Astonpride Harrison Hawk at Eternalpride
Reserve Best Bitch: Licassa Princess Tia at Islekeeper
Best Puppy Bitch & Best Puppy in Show: Marchmanor Eyekandi
Best Puppy Dog: Moorbull Stand By Me

NBC Open Show February 2019

Pictured Left to right with Judge Hazel Fitzgibbon:- BPD - Moorbull Stand By Me • RBB - Licassa Princess Tia at Islekeeper • BD & BIS - Shadowguard High Octane at Islekeeper • BB & RBIS - Eternalpride Rose Quartz • BVIS - Ch. Astonpride Harrison Hawk at Eternalpride • BPB & BPIS - Marchmanor Eyekandi.

Thank you for inviting me to judge your Club open show. I had a quality entry with only the odd one or two who did not look 100% sound. Heads were mixed with some boxer – like profiles coming through. Substance and muscling varied. Thanks to my stewards and the very welcoming Committee.

Minor Puppy Dog (1)
  1. Garratt - Marchmanor Hunni Monster Very promising youngster with good outline. Strong male head with requisite muzzle/skull proportions. Moving soundly and freely, he took his considerable frame easily around the ring. Good depth of rib but needs to spring now.
Puppy Dog (2)
  1. Garforth - Moorbull Stand By Me. Very mature male puppy with broad very broad head. Quite stocky in build, with excellent bone. He moves his considerable bulk easily round the ring. Just needs a little more leg to complete the picture. Best Puppy Dog.. BPD.
  2. Lewis - Millkeepers Norseman 11 month lighter boned male. I liked the proportions and leg length. Good front infill. I was not convinced he was totally sound today.
Junior Dog (5, 2 abs)
  1. Rittman - Doflairs Tripped Up Secret. Lighter boned male with strong head and reasonable muzzle. Collected gait. Needs to body up and for rib to spring a little more. But good leg length. Well muscled and in good overall condition. Feet could be tighter.
  2. Aldcroft - Tazimo Touch of Class at Fowlerheight Very strong male with a lot of work in the head. Very strongly boned throughout. Excellent in rib but straighter in stifle than 1. Broad throughout, from neck through body and loin with good depth.
  3. Marsh & Emmett - Heriol Porthos.
Novice Dog (0)
  1. No Entries
Post Grad Dog (2, 1 abs)
  1. Stake - Fowlerheight Bronson Lower end of the size range, but proportionate outline. Broad skull but muzzle could be longer. Well filled front. Good reach of neck and good body. Excellent feet and bone. Moved freely with precise side gait. Very happy disposition.
Limit Dog (5, 1 abs)
  1. Spencer - Shadowguard High Octane at Islekeeper Fawn male. Excellent outline and overall proportions. Good head pattern with dark muzzle of correct length. Broad back, rib could be a little more Strong loin. Moving freely and precisely in all directions. Well bent stifles with stifles at 90 degrees to ground. BD and BIS
  2. Garratt - Marchmanor Troubador Powerful red with good mask. Excels in bone and body. Again, good legs and feet. Straighter in stifle than 1.
  3. Elder - Ballindaloch Popcorn Sutton at Balatronic.
  4. Crawshaw - Medjezelbab Noble Soul.
Open Dog (3, 1 abs)
  1. Thomas - Phoria’s Hades Brindle male. Broad, powerful skull could have a little more muzzle. Excellent bone. Topline could be smoother. Moving easily and with style.
  2. Heaton - Eternalpride Invincible at Waydell Big male carrying a little too much weight; however he has bone I cannot get a hand around, so is a big frame anyway. Capacious rib cage. Broad across the loin. Excellent stifles but not moving fluidly. Feet and front pasterns especially suffering from the weight.
  3. Baines - Torreyabloom Northen Light
Veteran Dog (3)
    How lovely to see your Veterans today; I know they are precious to you. Here we had a line up of mature males, all a credit to their breed.
  1. Aston - Ch Astonpride Harrison Hawk at Eternalpride Impressive, typey male. Lovely outline and overall proportions. Well filled front and superior movement gave him this class. .Best Veteran and Res Best Dog..
  2. Hodgkinson & Kench - Astonpride Trojan at Sarajax Equally free moving male, with many of the assets of the first dog, who is his litter brother. Breeder should be very proud to see such lasting stock still in the ring and competing in fine style.
  3. Fossett - Wyburn Xceptional
Special Brindle Dog (0)
  1. No Entries
Minor Puppy Bitch (3, 1 abs)
  1. Garratt - Marchmanor Eyekandi Lovely proportions and bone on this youngster, with excellent body feet and stifles. Head feminine and could do with broadening a little, needs to grow into the ears. Best Puppy in Show BPIS
  2. Spencer - Islekeepers Legacy of Dreams. Another nice quality puppy (there were several today, which is very encouraging). Great body proportions and leg length. Good stifles. Front needs to fill in a bit more yet.
Puppy Bitch (4)
  1. Garforth - Moorbull Uptown Girl Lovely outline and substance. Kind head with well set ears. Good in the body department and excellent strong stifles. Correct rear feet but front need to tighten and topline needs to settle.
  2. Lewis - Millkeepers Destiny Sweet feminine head, kind eye on a decent shaped head. Good rear and moving out soundly. Needs to tighten up generally.
  3. Garforth - Moorbull Heart Breaker
  4. Gillespie & Barnes - Wonderbulls Double Trouble
Junior Bitch (7, 1 abs)
  1. Aston - Eternalpride Rose Quartz Not the biggest of bitches, but a lovely overall pattern and correct proportions full of quality. Excellent front and feet, Good rib and well filled in front. Wonderful overall balance. Very sound and precise in action which was purposeful. Well presented and handled. Best Bitch & Reserve Best in Show.
  2. Aldcroft - Ardhub Betty Boo at Fowlerheight. Excellent for size and substance. Good span of back and depth of rib. Strong deep loin and well muscled throughout.
  3. Greenwood - Fowlerheight Ekala.
  4. Walker - Stoneglad A Kind Of Majic At Grandwell
Novice Bitch (0)
  1. No Entries
Post Grad Bitch (2)
  1. Sharp & Buxton - Rosie Sharp. Lovely girl with happy disposition. Good expression with well set ears on broad back skull. Capacious rib cage and loin good for span and depth.
  2. Beal - Ballindalochs Madam Chloe. Well handled and presented girl of lighter build than 1. Moving with ease and with great style.
Limit Bitch (3, 1 abs)
  1. Tomlinson & Clare - Hyerdunscar I’ll Meet You at Surlatch Lovely profile with excellent neck and leg length. Front could be fuller. Moving freely.
  2. Gazzard - Zoebulleas Tickles My Fancy at Jbzee. Excellent for size and substance. Good span of back and depth of rib. Strong deep loin and well muscled throughout.
Open Bitch (5)
  1. Spencer - Licassa Princess Tia at Islekeeper. Beautifully conditioned and presented fawn with good mask. Good profile and excellent feet. Strong rear and free mover with precise foot action. Beautiful head and expression and well filled front.
  2. Aldcroft - Medjezelbab Golden Girl at Fowlerheights. Heavier patterned brindle girl. Lovely head and expression. More bone than obvious due to patterning on legs. Broad back, full loin and sound stifles and hocks.
  3. Garratt - Medjezelbab Grandmas Girl at Marchmanor.
  4. Thomas - Phorias Zsa Zsz JW
  5. Thomas - Phorias Stary Eyed JW
Veteran Bitch (1)
  1. Thomas - Brynfaw Numero Uno via Jaynos. 8 y/o/ Girl with a distinguished outlook. Excellent neck, body and loin with well bent stifles. Happy character and a credit to her owner.
Special Brindle Bitch (0)
  1. No Entries

Not available