Firstly a big thank you to the officers and committee of the N.B.C for the privilege of
being asked to judge their championship show. From an entry of 128 there were only around 27% absentees on what was a horrible day for travelling so thank you to all whom made the effort and managed to get there.
I found the breed to be of a reasonable standard, my winners were all of good quality and some decisions were very difficult. However there seems to be a few problems. I found 3 dogs to be overshot, but what does need to be addressed in peoples breeding programme, is straight shoulders and stifles, without the correct angulation the dog cannot move with drive so please have a look for yourself.
My B I S was Lindley’s Hyerdunscar as Gud as it Gets J W, this was his third ticket today so am proud to have given him his title. Bitch CC and RBIS was Gunns, Bullproof Bertha By Flintstock her First CC but sure it wont be Her Last. BPIS was Thomas, Phoria’s Starry Eyed, one to watch in the Future.
Veteran Dog (4, 1 abs)
- Hinchcliffe's - Kataladian ShakespeareGood head, correct length of muzzle, good mouth plenty of width of skull, strong neck, well placed shoulder allowing him to
move with drive.
- Lewis' - Optimus BrutusAnother dog with good head qualities,
shorter than first but bend of stifle and good shoulder meant he moved well.
- Ogden & Lilley's - Wyburn Ucan, TAFBrindle, square head, good reach of neck, strong boned, preferred movement of second.
Minor Puppy Dog (7, 2 abs)
- Denby's - Oldwell Kent at RoscoSquare head plenty of width between ears, well boned for age, square outline, level topline, moved ok.
- Gunn & Harper's Crackoff Man of the Match at FlintstockSquare head well pronounced stop giving him an excellent expression, lovely shoulder placement, well bent
stifle, moved ok.
- Garforth's - Moorbull Lasting LegacyHead of good proportions but stop could have been more pronounced hence third, good neck length, very strong bone, level topline.
- Bulmer & Wilson's - Godicias Hussler
- Jordan's - Flintstock Prince Consort
Puppy Dog (6, 1 abs)
- Thomas' - Phorias HadesWell proportioned dog throughout, square plenty of depth of chest, lovely shoulder placement equally with stifle, hence moved well Best Puppy Dog.
- McLaughlan's - Stoneglad Kravitz at MackardenGood head with nice mask,good length of neck, straight front, deep chest shoulders at correct angle, moved well.
- Thomas' - Phoria’s ApolloHead good, good width of muzzle under well set eyes, plenty of width between legs, strong bone.
- Lynch's - Lynchspride Maximus Mateo
- Meredith's - Bullmeredith Who Dares Wins
Junior Dog (7, 1 abs)
- McGroarty's - Veritish Raul Na Maara at ArdhubWell balanced head, good expression, length of neck showed its strength, deep chest on a square frame, short loin
moved well.
- Warren, Singleton & White, French Lover Hauts de GaumentSuare head, good length of neck, plenty of room between forelegs, well boned, excellent shoulder and stifle placement,
- Alderson's - Aralders Eldorado Sh.CMGood head, nice ear placement showing width of skull, well boned, moved ok.
- McBride & Blair - Irishpride Are You Bovered
- Heaton's - Waydell Silas
Yearling Dog (4, 1 abs)
- Richards & Crawfords Shadowguards Halo, nice head, good width of muzzle, strong bone, nice and square with deep chest, angulated shoulder, moved well.
- Thomas' - Heriol Ticket MasterSquareness of head equal to width of neck, strong bone tight feet, well bent shoulder and stifle, showed in movement.
- Young's - Heriol Tickets Please to GardavieExcellent head, broad muzzle deep stop, a little long for me but not overdone.
Post Graduate Dog (12, 2 abs)
- Brewer's - Ardhub Under Red SkyStrong head with well marked black mask, good width of jaw, lovely expression, deep chest carrying level topline, moved well.
- Alderson's - Aralders Eldorado Sh.CM3rd in JD
- Hodgson & Beal's - Afton Taff LadGood head broad between ears, plenty of width between forelegs, good angle of shoulder and stifle, straight topline.
- Simpson's - Pletes Apollo The Son
- Ogden & Lilley's - Wyburn Ynee Wallis
Limit Dog (12, 3 abs)
- Richards & Crawford's - Shadowguards Jump ‘N’ JiveA dog of all round good proportion, square head excellent reach of neck, square and deep, well boned, moved well,
- Wade'S - Rodenca Phoenix at PatchingVery close to winner, this dog excelled in head, broad, strong muzzle, deep stop, square body, strong bone, reasonable shoulder,
moved ok.
- Lowden's - Sundabish ValentinoNice head, strong neck, broad between forelegs, well boned, moved ok.
- Jeans-Brown's - Optimus Galileo Of Molosser
- Hopper & Loake's - Jaynos Dream Machine With Brynfaw
Open Dog (10, 3 abs)
- Lindley's - Hyerdunscar as Good as it GetsHis name says it all, surprisingly awarded him Dog CC followed BOB & BIS, because I don’t normally go for fawns,
square head, strong with lovely expression, excellent mouth, wide underjaw, shoulder angulation is perfect giving him a powerful reach of neck, square body, strong bone, deep chest, well bent stifles, all this meant he had to move well and he didn’t let me down. Congratulations on making him up today well deserved.
- Warren & Singleton's - Dajoxx Zin Zan JWAnother dog of outstanding qualities a joy to get my hands on, large square head, very broad, good stop showing off width of
jaw, straight topline, well boned, moved well, just missed top honour on overall balance for me, well deserved RCC.
- Gunn's - Bullproof Bertie by FlintstockAnother dog of high quality, square from any angle, dark mask, broad muzzle, strong front, good width between forelegs, plenty of angulation of shoulder and stifle, another day could have been different result.
- Aston's - Astonpride The One JW
- Williams' - Int. Ch, Ch Betalex Action Hero ShCM
Special Brindle Dog (3, 2 abs)
- Ogden & Lilley's - Wyburn Ucan
- Crawshaw's - Medjezelbab Noble Soul
Veteran Bitch (7, 2 abs)
- Warren & V Singleton's - Wonderbulls Accrochuel Coer of CopperfieldFor a seven year old she stood tall and showed herself off, excellent reach of neck, straight front,
level topline, shoulder and stifles placement allowed the strong movement, good winner.
- Myers' - Ch Optimus Camella JWA Worthy champion beautiful head, good mask, strong width of jaw well placed ears, length of neck showed off her strong shoulder,
plenty of bone, preferred topline of winner, but a pleasure to go over.
- Bown & Wilfort's - Ch Sundabish Lady La Roux JWAnother worthy champion equal to 1 & 2 just a little finer, thrilled to have judged her. My favourite class
of the day.
- Jenkins' - Wyburn Terable
- Proctor's - Zapheno Bobbin
Minor Puppy Bitch (7, 1 abs)
- Baines' - Torrayabloom Its No JokeWon this class because of its perfect shoulder placement and bend of stifle which helped her move with ease, nice head very feminine, level topline.
- Harper's - Flintstock Queen Bee at BullharGood head, black mask, nice eye and ear placement, shoulder not as good as 1 but ok.
- Percy's - Crackoff IvyBroad head, excellent width of muzzle under eye, good bone topline not there yet but still plenty of time.
- Elmore's - Embullore Talula Dark Lady
- Denby's - Fancy That Nancy At Rosco
Puppy Bitch (9, 1 abs)
- Thomas' - Phoria’s Starry EyedLoved this young lady, outstanding head, another shoulder to die for, good topline, a lot of strength and depth, movement didn’t let
me down, this bitch has a long successful career in front of her, Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy In Show well deserved.
- Colliass' - Oldwell EclipseAnother one to watch in future, many of the same qualities as winner but head needs maturity, not a fault sure it will come.
- Shirt's - KnottingleyNice colour, broad head and muzzle, would have liked a little more mask, well angulated shoulder, straight front, chest well down between legs.
- Lynch's - Lynchspride Sulis
- Baines' - Talbadan Bucks Fizz At Torreyabloom
Junior Bitch (10, 3 abs)
- Simpson's - Pleats AliceHead square, good stop, broad muzzle, strong arched neck, excellent shoulder placement, lovely topline, well boned, moved very well.
- McBride & Blair's - Irishpride Subtle She Aint JR.ChStrong red, well-balanced head, good reach of neck, level topline, deep chest, well bent stifle moved ok.
- Thomas's - Heriol Just the TicketGood all round dog but preferred length of 2.
- Old's - Jaywinfield Moonlight Lady Of Benzak
- Meredith's - The Nightshift's Famous Free Kick Of Bullmeredith NAF TAF (Imp.)
Yearling Bitch (5, 2 abs)
- Gunn's Crackoff flirty Gerty FlintstockBroad head plenty of room
between ears, good stop, plenty of muzzle, great reach of neck to sloping shoulders, deep chest, well bent stifles moved well.
- Welshman's - Ardhub Lady JasmineSquare head, well pigmented mask, strong neck, well laid shoulder, good bone, moved with drive,
- Hodgson & Sundabish StarstruckVery happy young
lady, loved showing, good square head, lovely eye, plenty of room between forelegs, deep chest, moved ok
Post Grad Bitch (9, 5 abs)
- Owen's - Snetts Ruby EnchantmentGood all round proportions, head
square, black mask, good stop and ear placement, correct angulation of shoulder and stifle, level topline, moved well.
- Lewis' - Moorbull Made to MeasureHead square, wide muzzle and
jaw, powerful neck square in body, good heavy bone but not cumbersome, nice hindquarters, moved ok.
- Wilson's - Jaarmoel Soul Dive for UrbandreamFreestanding lady and stood foresquare, pretty head, broad neck, plenty of room between forelegs, liked her.
- Downs' - Arrancraig Double Truble
Limit Bitch (12, 2 abs)
- Garforth's - Moorbull Taylor MadeLovely fawn bitch of good all-round quality, square head, black mask, wide muzzle, strong jaw, well placed dark ears giving her a
lovely expression, strong straight bone, well let down chest, moved very well, RCC.
- White's - Jaynos English Rose of AllwatchaVery nice bitch, good square head, strong jaw line, good reach of neck, level topline, deep chest, well deserved place in a strong class,
- Cridge's - Karmicly Dream Come TrueA lovely bitch with good proportion all round on a different day could have been a winner, very strong class.
- Burgin's - Jessiemai Solana
- Welshman's - Sevenrivers Miami Tide
Open Bitch (11, 2 abs)
- Gunn's - Bullproof Bertha By FlintstockLoved this lady as soon as she walked in the ring, square head, darkest of mask, correct stop, width of muzzle in proportion to width of skull, dark eye rims, strong neck and lovely reach, body square with deep chest, level topline, strong shoulders enough bone and moved with drive and commitment. Bitch CC and thrilled to give her Reserve Best In Show.
- McGroarty's - Ardhub Black is BackBrindle of substance, terrific head, deep stop good width of muzzle, excellent reach of neck, stood tall and proud well deserved place,
- Bown & Mrs Wilfort's - Sundabish Suzi WongWell proportioned bitch, square head, well placed ears, level topline, plenty of width to chest, moved ok.
- Garratt's - Fowlerheight Red River At Marchmanor
- Aldcroft's - Medjezelbab Golden Girl
Special Brindle Bitch (6, 2 abs)
- Gunn's - Crackoff Flirty Gerty Flintstock
- McGroarty's - Ardhub Black is Back
- McGroarty's - Bullgrins Knee High at Ardhub
- McLaughlan - Stoneglad Te Amo At Mackardon