Our clubs 30th Anniversary year

Open Show - 18th February 2018

Judge: - Mr Paul Latter (Stoneglad)


Best Dog & Best in Show: Ch Sundabish Mr Majeika
Reserve Best Dog & Reserve Best in Show: Jessiemai Front Page News
Best Bitch & Best Opposite Sex: Emsuart Lady Middleton
Best Puppy Dog & Best Puppy in Show: Staxonoby Bonkers
Best Veteran Bitch & Best Veteran In Show: Ch Sundabish Suzi Wong JW
Best Brindle dog & Best Brindle In Show: Fowlerheight Astro
Reserve Best Bitch: Optimus Pandora (AI)
Best Puppy Bitch & Best Opposite Sex Puppy In Show: Lynchspride Queen Of Mereen
Best Veteran Dog: Phorias Fat Boy
Best Brindle Bitch: Jessiemai Maggie May

NBC Open Show February 2018

Pictured Left to right with Judge Paul Latter:- Best Dog & Best in Show - Ch Sundabish Mr Majeika • Reserve Best Dog & Reserve Best in Show - Jessiemai Front Page News • Best Puppy Dog & Best Puppy in Show - Staxonoby Bonkers.

NBC Open Show February 2016

Pictured Left to right:- Best Bitch & Best Opposite Sex - Emsuart Lady Middleton • Reserve Best Bitch - Optimus Pandora (AI) • Best Puppy Bitch & Best Opposite Sex Puppy In Show - Lynchspride Queen Of Mereen.

NBC Open Show February 2016

Pictured Left to right:- Best Veteran Bitch & Best Veteran In Show - Ch Sundabish Suzi Wong JW • Best Veteran Dog - Phorias Fat Boy.

NBC Open Show February 2016

Pictured Left to right:- Best Brindle dog & Best Brindle In Show - Fowlerheight Astro • Best Brindle Bitch - Jessiemai Maggie May.

Many thanks to the committee for inviting me to judge this show and to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over some wonderful dogs.

Minor Puppy Dog (4, 1 abs)
  1. Young’s - Staxonoby Bonkers 8 month old deep red with strong head, dark pigment and well placed ears. Nice dentition. More than adequate bone with a well let down front. Moved soundly. A lovely youngster with a promising future. BPD BPIS.
  2. Beal's - Emsuart Roosevelt 7 month old fawn. Well proportioned head with broad muzzle and correct bite, nice bone and moved soundly. Another with a bright future.
  3. Bailey’s - Ironstance Black Knight
  4. Abs
Puppy Dog (1)
  1. Young’s - Stonekeeper Blueprint For Staxonoby (IMP HRV) 11 month old with well proportioned skull, dark pigment and well placed ears and correct bite. Well let down front with adequate bone and level topline. Well balanced and sound on the move.
Junior Dog (2, 0 abs)
  1. Myers & Morgan’s - Optimus Jack Daniels (AI) 13 month old fawn with well proportioned broad skull, dark pigment and correct ear set. Nice strong neck leading onto well placed shoulders and a nicely let down straight front. More than adequate bone with nice tight feet. Moved with balance and drive. An eye catching youngster with a bright future.
  2. Owen’s - Zobullea's Kooler Than Me At Keeperswatch 16 month old red with strong broad skull with dark pigment and pleasing dark eye. Well placed shoulders leading to correct front. Moved soundly maintaining a level topline
Novice Dog (1, 1 abs)
  1. Abs
Post Grad Dog (2, 0 abs)
  1. Porter's - Jessiemai Front Page News 21 month red with large broad skull with pronounced stop. Correct earset and bite with lovely broad underjaw.Nice dark pigment. Well placed shoulders leading onto correct front with nice let down of chest. Level top-line leading onto strong hindquarters with correct angulation. Moved soundly. A substantial red boy, very pleasing on the eye. RBD RBIS.
  2. Humphries & Lowton's - Lumillion Raising A Riot 2 year old red boy with great substance. Strong skull with well-set ears, broad underjaw with correct bite. Well let down front strong well arched neck leading onto a level topline. Moved powerfully with drive and balance whilst maintaining a level top-line.
Limit Dog (5, 1 abs)
  1. Forsythe & McGroarty's - Ardhub Black Bomb At Findhorn 2 year old brindle. Broad skull with dark eye broad underjaw and correct bite. Well placed shoulders leading onto correct front. Nice spring of rib leading onto powerful hindquarters. Moved well with a level topline. In superb condition.
  2. Aldcroft’s - Fowlerheight Astro 3 year old brindle. Lovely broad skull with correct ear set and bite. Lovely dark eye. Well placed shoulders leading onto a broad chest and deep brisket. Level top line leading onto a powerful rear with correct angulation. Moved soundly whilst maintaining a level top-line.
  3. Martin's - Jessiemai Can't Stop Me Now At Aribax
  4. Owen's - Jadanelle Double Whammy At Keeperswatch ShCM
  5. Abs
Open Dog (4, 0 abs)
  1. Bown & Wilfort's - Ch Sundabish Mr Majeika 2 year old fawn. Head of good proportions with broad skull and matching underjaw and correct bite.Strong neck leading onto well placed shoulders and well let down front. Well bodied with strong well angulated rear quarters. Moved with drive and great presence whilst maintaining a level topline. BD BIS. A great example and worthy winner.
  2. Griffiths’ - Joybull Rocks With Davik 4 year old red. Strong broad skull, well set ears and pleasing dark eye. Strong well arched neck leading onto well placed shoulders, correct front and ample bone. Level top-line leading onto a powerful rear with nice angulation. A well balanced powerful mover in superb condition. Unlucky to meet 1 today.
  3. Lewis’ - Millkeepers Norseman RL2
  4. Beal & Bown's - Sundabish Philleas Fogg JW
Veteran Dog (2, 1 abs)
  1. Thomas'- Phoria's Fat Boy 8 year old with lovely dark pigment showing no sign of age. Strong broad skull will well pronounced stop. Well let down front with ample bone and broad deep chest. Strong well angulated rear. Sound on the move. In super condition for age.
  2. Abs
Special Open Brindle Dog (2, 0 abs)
  1. Aldcroft's - Fowlerheight Astro see 2nd in limit.
  2. Martin's - Jessiemai Can't Stop Me Now At Aribax 4 year old brindle with head of correct proportions, well set ears and pronounced stop. Strong neck leading onto well placed shoulders, broad chest with deep brisket. A level topline leading onto a well angulated rear. Sound and balanced on the move.
Minor Puppy Bitch (2, 1 abs)
  1. Marsh & Emmett's - Staxonoby Pink Friday 8 month old pleasing red girl, head of correct proportions with good ear set dark pigment and correct bite. Nice reach of neck leading onto well placed shoulders and nice tight feet. A well angulated rear providing strong movement
  2. Abs
Puppy Bitch (2, 0 abs)
  1. Lynch's - Lynchspride Queen Of Mereen Eye catching 11 month old red. Head of nice proportions with well placed ears, dark eye and pronounced stop. Nicely let down straight front with tight feet. Level top-line leading onto a well angulated rear. Moved well maintaining a level top-line. A very promising puppy.
  2. Bailey’s - Fowlerheight Just Jacks At Ironstance 9 month old fawn. Nice profile with good proportions, broad skull with correct bite. A well let down front with tight feet. Nice level top-line with well angulated rear. Moved soundly.
Junior Bitch (1, 0 abs)
  1. Myers & Morgan’s - Optimus Pandora (AI) Eye catching 13 month old fawn. Beautiful head and expression with well-set ears and lovely dark pigment. Strong neck leading onto well placed shoulders and super straight front and nice tight feet. Level top-line leading onto a well angulated strong rear. Moved with balance and great ring presence. A real eye catcher with a big future. RBB
Novice Bitch (3, 0 Abs)
  1. Aldcroft’s - Fowlerheight Its Life 18 month brindle with lovely well-proportioned head, correct earset and lovely dentition. Well placed shoulders leading onto a correct front with nice deep brisket. level top-line leading onto a strong well angulated rear. Strong and well balanced on the move.
  2. Thomas, Bull, Myers & Morgan's - Optimus Euphoria 12 month old strong fawn girl. Nicely proportioned skull with lovely dentition. A well let down front with ample bone. A well angulated powerful rear providing a real drive on the move.
  3. Marsh & Emmett's – Jessiemai Slap An Ticklel
Post Grad Bitch (8, 2 abs)
  1. Turner, Myers & Morgan's - Optimus Diva 2 year old fawn girl. Head of excellent proportions with well set ears and super dark pigment. Well placed shoulders leading onto correct front. Well bodied with level top-line and well angulated rear. A well balanced sound mover.
  2. Humphries and Lowtons Lumillion KissnTell. Lovely 2 year old deep red with broad skull, good earset with dark eye and pigment. A well let down front with a pleasing deep brisket. Strong well angulated rear providing powerful movement.
  3. Marshall & Tankard's - Marchmanor Dame Vera
  4. Furber’s - Carminway Sheezastunna
  5. Bryan’s - Islekeepers Roxanne At Tonicbull
Limit Bitch (3, 1 abs)
  1. Beal's - Emsuart Lady Middleton 2 year old red with a well proportioned head, dark pigment with pleasing dark eye and super dentition.Well placed shoulders leading onto a well let down chest with more than adequate bone. Lovely level topline leading onto a strong well angulated rear. Moved powerfully with great drive and balance. In super condition. BB BOS.
  2. Burgin’s - Jessiemai Maggie May Lovely brindle girl with well-proportioned head, strong well arched neck leading onto well placed shoulders and super straight front. Well bodied with good angulation. Showing signs of recent motherhood but nevertheless moved soundly with great athleticism.
  3. Abs
Open Bitch (1, 0 abs)
  1. Lewis’ - Millkeepers Destiny RL2 4 year old fawn with head of correct proportions well pronounced stop and dark pigment. A strong well arched neck leading onto a correct front. A nice level topline with well angulated rear. Moved soundly with purpose.
Veteran Bitch (5, 2 abs)
  1. Bown & Wilforts' - Ch Sundabish Suzi Wong JW 8 year old fawn still possessing dark pigment, classic head with a beautiful expression. Well placed shoulders leading onto a well let down straight front. Correct rear angulation. Still moves with great drive and balance. Super veteran. BVIS
  2. Myers & Morgan‘s - Ch Optimus Scarlet 9 year old brindle in super condition. Lovely expression and head proportions. Beautiful straight front with really deep brisket, level topline. Moved out well, another great veteran in super condition.
  3. Thomas‘ - Phoria's Starry Eyed JW
  4. Abs
Special Open Brindle Bitch (2, 1 abs)
  1. Burgin’s - Jessiemai Maggie May see 2nd in limit.
  2. Abs

I have been involved with dogs from a very young age, being around my Granddad who bred working Whippets. This taught me the fundamentals of nutrition, welfare and conditioning of these dogs which we would spend hours in the field with. I have always maintained an interest in Hounds to this day and presently own a Saluki.
In 1989 I went to Crufts and witnessed Bullmastiffs being exhibited and after meeting some of them in the benching area fell in love with them.
In 1991 my wife Cathy and I acquired our first Bullmastiff and over the years began to show under our Stoneglad affix, both at home and abroad. In that time we have produced Champions both in the UK and Overseas, the highlight being winning Best of Breed at Crufts in 2007.
It is a great honour for me to be invited to judge the Northern Bullmastiff Club Show and I look forward to meeting some wonderful dogs.
Paul Latter (Stoneglad)